Flyfoto Horten Ole Kristiansen
Flyfoto Horten Ole Kristiansen

Privacy statement

The privacy statement applies to the use of our products and services, as well as visits to our websites from 1 January 2018. It does not apply to the processing of personal data on other companies' websites or social platforms with which we cooperate.


In order for you to understand this statement, we have defined a number of important concepts:

Personal information is all information that can be linked to you as an individual.

Anonymised information is information where it is no longer possible to link the information to you as an individual.

Processing of personal data is the use of personal data and applies to its collection, storage, change, compilation, disclosure and deletion.

Customer/User is anyone who visits or uses our services.


How do we collect your personal information?

The information we collect about you depends on which services you use, if you subscribe to or visit the website, as well as what information you provide to us in connection with inquiries or in other contexts.

We collect personal information such as:

The information you provide to us, for example, when you register for our services, subscribe to our newsletters or contact us with questions;

The information that is automatically registered when you send an e-mail or visit our website;

The information that we receive from other sources such as other service providers or from publicly available registers (e.g. the National Population Register).


You have no obligation to provide personal information to us, but if you choose not to do so, we may not be able to offer you all our services.

What personal information do we collect about you?

We collect personal information in the following categories:


Name and contact details.
Information generated in connection with the use of services, e.g. activity on our website (including time, date and the browser you use, IP-addresses, screen size etc.);
Other information about the use of our services such as data collected through cookies and similar technologies when visiting our website;
Other information which is collected on the basis of your consent. You will receive information about the data we collect and what it will be used for when we request your consent.

How do we use your personal information?
We use collected information for the following purposes:

We use personal information and anonymised data for marketing purposes in line with applicable legislation.


These activities include:

creating target groups for marketing

customising and targeting marketing

sending out email marketing when consent has been given or subject to applicable law

customer satisfaction surveys and the like

‘washing’ contact information against the customer registers of Facebook, Google and other digital platforms so that we can communicate with you and users like you through these channels.


Legal provisions: We process personal data in order to fulfil our statutory obligations in connection with accounting and to provide required information to competent authorities. We only process personal data to the extent necessary and compatible with the stated purposes, and will always take your privacy into account.

How do we protect your personal information?
Your personal information is protected by means of physical, technical and administrative measures.

Who do we provide your personal information to?
We may be in a position to provide personal information to:

Courts and public authorities – in statutory cases; 
To other companies in connection with an eventual business.

How long do we store your information?
We will store your information as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes stated in this privacy statement. Storage of anonymised information is not subject to such limitations or requirements.

How do we use cookies?
We use cookies on our websites and associated digital channels. Among other things, cookies help us to record which parts of our websites users visit and for how long. This information is used, for example, for the performance, development and analysis of services and the targeting of advertisements on the Internet.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

Improving our websites by analysing which websites are most popular, which links you came from or follow, and how long users stay on our websites;

Collection of statistical information about the number of visitors to our websites and other digital services, as well as to evaluate the effect of advertising;

Collecting information to target ads or content to a specific audience.


We may combine information from cookies with other information we have registered when permitted under applicable law or you have given us your consent.


Our websites may contain links to third party websites, products and services, including social media (e.g. Facebook's social add-ons). Third-party services or third-party applications available on our websites are subject to the third-party privacy policy.

We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the privacy practices of these third parties.

What are your rights and options?
You have the right to know what information we have registered about you (with the limitations that follow from current legislation);

You may request that incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete or outdated personal information be corrected or removed;

You can reserve against direct marketing;

You may withdraw any consent to process personal information that you have provided to us;

You can disable data collection for Google Analytics. 

How can you become aware of changes in the Privacy Statement?
We may need to update the Privacy Statement as our operations and services evolve, and we therefore encourage you to regularly check the latest version of this Privacy Statement here on HortenLove's website.